Window Stickers Reverse Reading |
1-WSQ-13282,$2.49,"3.875"" x 5.25"" Window Sticker","86","65","181","ALICE IN WONDERLAND","Alice & Caterpillar on 'Shroom with Hookah & small mushrooms",3.875,5.25,"Reverse Reading Window Sticker. Apply from the inside of the window to show correctly from the outside. This protects your cool sticker from the weather so it will last a long time!",""
1-WSQ-15373,$2.99,"3.125"" x 5.675"" Window Sticker","64","68",,"EVERYTHING ELSE - Funny, Humor, Slogans, Weird Stuff & Misc. Random Goodness!","Tie Dye Peace Fingers on Transparent Background",3.125,5.675,"Reverse Reading Window Sticker. Apply from the inside of the window to show correctly from the outside. This protects your cool sticker from the weather so it will last a long time!",""
1-WSQ-23049,$0.99-1.25,"6"" x 3.75"" Window Sticker","64","175",,"FLAGS","United States of America(USA) Flag, Ensign, National Ensign on clear.",6,3.75,"Reverse Reading Window Sticker. Apply from the inside of the window to show correctly from the outside. This protects your cool sticker from the weather so it will last a long time!",""
1-WSQ-23073,$1.25,"5.5"" x 3.375"" Window Sticker","64","85",,"FLAGS","Waving USA Flag (United States of America / American)",5.5,3.375,"Reverse Reading Window Sticker. Apply from the inside of the window to show correctly from the outside. This protects your cool sticker from the weather so it will last a long time!",""
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