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All Patches in Category 'Personality'
Items Listed: 1-34 of 34
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1-LPT-89009,$6.99,"2.625"" x 5"" Patch","188","65","181","BATMAN","The Joker in Blue Suit with Pinstripe Pants and Green Vest and Gold Walking Cane.   Smiling and looking VERY devious!",2.625,5,,""
1-PTR-19196,$2.99,"2.5"" x 3"" Patch","65","199","86","CHARLIE TUNA","(cut-out)",2.5,3,,""
1-PTR-9619,$3.49,"3"" x 2.625"" Patch","65","199","80","CHIHUAHUA","Chihuahua",3,2.625,,""
1-PTR-16312,$3.98,"2.63"" x 3"" Patch","65","64",,"DANCING BEAR","Patriotic Bear Waiving American Flag (Cut Out to the Shape fo the Design)",2.63,3,"UPC: 190153046809",""
1-LPT-89096,$6.98,"3.25"" x 3.75"" Patch","182","65","188","FLINTSTONES, THE","Fred Flintstone Jumping (Cut Out to Shape of Design)",3.25,3.75,,""
1-PTR-19613,$3.49,"2.75"" x 4"" Patch","182","65",,"FORBIDDEN PLANET","Robby the Robot (Black Robot Standing)",2.75,4,,""
1-PTR-43019,$2.99,"2.25"" x 3"" Patch","65","85","106","FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN","Portrait with Logo on Blue",2.25,3,"<br><br>Art by David Cherry",""
1-LPT-9740,$2.99,"3"" x 3"" Patch","90","68","65","GRATEFUL DEAD","Purple Jerry Bear with Pink Necklace on Blue Peace Sign",3,3,,""
1-PTR-9738,$2.99,"3"" x 3"" Patch","90","68","65","GRATEFUL DEAD","Yellow Jerry Bear with Blue Necklace on Purple Peace Sign",3,3,,""
1-PTR-6609,$2.99,"3"" x 3"" Patch","90","68","65","GRATEFUL DEAD","Yellow Jerry Bear with Red Necklace on Blue Peace Sign",3,3,"UPC: 190153013887",""
1-PTR-20013,$2.49,"3"" x 3"" Patch","85","68","65","HAPPY FACE","(drowsy)",3,3,,""
1-PT2-51140,$1.49,"1"" x 1"" Patch","65","68",,"HAPPY FACE","Bullet Hole in Forehead with Blood (2 for 1)",1,1,"<br> UPC: 190153021332",""
1-PTR-20030,$2.49,"2.5"" x 2.5"" Patch","85","106","65","HAPPY FACE","Devil Happy Face",2.5,2.5,,""
1-PTR-43101,$2.99,"2.5"" x 2.5"" Patch","65","213",,"HAPPY FACE","Evil Smiling Face (Cut Out to the Shape of the Design)",2.5,2.5,"UPC: 190153046847",""
1-LPT-6255,$2.49,"3"" x 3"" Patch","65","85","68","HAPPY FACE","Happy Face",3,3,,""
1-PTR-19659,$3.49,"3.75"" x 2.88"" Patch","65","68","195","HAPPY FACE","Have a Happy Day! With Yellow Happy Face",3.75,2.88,,""
1-PTR-43059,$2.99,"3"" x 3"" Patch","65","68",,"HAPPY FACE","Red on Red, Green and White Floral Pattern",3,3,"<BR><BR>UPC: 190153032154<BR>",""
1-PTR-20309,$2.49,"2"" x 2"" Patch","65","68",,"HAPPY FACE","Red on Red, Green and White Floral Pattern",2,2,"<BR><BR>UPC: 190153032161<BR>",""
1-PTR-43102,$2.99,"2.5"" x 2.63"" Patch","65","213",,"HAPPY FACE","Smoking (Cut Out to the Shape of the Design)",2.5,2.63,"UPC: 190153046854",""
1-PTR-20011,$2.49,"2.5"" x 2.5"" Patch","85","65","94","HAPPY FACE","Vampire Happy Face",2.5,2.5,,""
1-PTR-20031,$2.49,"2.5"" x 2.5"" Patch","85","106","65","HAPPY FACE","w/ tongue sticking out",2.5,2.5,,""
1-PTR-19205,$3.49,"3"" x 2.12"" Patch","65","86",,"M&M'S","Red M n M",3,2.12,,""
1-PTR-19178,$3.49,"2.25"" x 5"" Patch","65","86",,"MR. PEANUT","(cut-out)",2.25,5,,""
1-PTR-20005,$3.49,"3"" x 2"" Patch","85","106","65","MUDFLAP GIRL","Trucker Babe (Sm., B&W, Legs to Left, Cut-Out)",3,2,,""
1-PTR-19057,$3.49,"3"" x 3"" Patch","65","86","106","ROCKY & BULLWINKLE","(cut-out)",3,3,,""
1-PTR-20270,$2.99,"2.125"" x 3.625"" Patch","65","182",,"SIMPSONS, THE","Bart Simpson (Standing)",2.125,3.625,,""
1-PTR-9453,$3.49,"2.25"" x 3.25"" Patch","63","65",,"SKA","Rudeboy",2.25,3.25,,""
1-PTR-20018,$2.49,"3.25"" x 2"" Patch","65","193",,"SKELETONS & SKULLS","Skull & Crossbones",3.25,2,,""
1-PTR-9669,$2.99,"4.5"" x 2"" Patch","65","68",,"SKELETONS & SKULLS","Skull w/ wings",4.5,2,,""
1-LPT-19523,$5.98,"3.25"" x 3.25"" Patch","181","65",,"STAR WARS:","New Republic Special Forces Round Logo",3.25,3.25,,""
1-PTR-9671,$2.99,"4"" x 3"" Patch","134","65",,"UNDERTAKER","Logo",4,3,,""
1-LPT-89025,$6.98,"2.75"" x 5"" Patch","65",,,"WONDER WOMAN","Standing (Arms Crossed)",2.75,5,,""
1-PTR-9534,$3.49,"2.5"" x 3"" Patch","65","86",,"WOODY WOODPECKER","Woody Woodpecker",2.5,3,,""
1-LPT-6252,$2.99,"3"" x 3.25"" Patch","65","68","85","ZIG ZAG MAN","Zig Zag Man",3,3.25,,""

Copyright 2025 Square Deal Recordings & Supplies, Inc.