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All Buttons & Pins in Category 'Science Fiction'
Items Listed: 1-8 of 8
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1-RDB-7299,$1.25,"1.25"" x 1.25"" 1-1/4"" Button","205",,,"ALIENS, MISC.","Flying in UFO",1.25,1.25,,""
1-ENP-3482,$6.99,"2"" x 3"" Enamel Pin","205","126",,"ALIENS, MISC.","No Bad Trips - Alien in Space Ship",2,3,"<p>This pin measures 1.13"" x 1.13"" and comes on a retail ready display card that measres 3"" x 2"".",""
1-ENP-3431,$5.98,"1.25"" x 1.4"" Enamel Pin","205",,,"ALIENS, MISC.","Zen Meditating Three Eyed Alien",1.25,1.4,"UPC: 190153045598",""
1-RDB-7163,$1.25,"1.25"" x 1.25"" 1-1/4"" Button","205","80",,"EVERYTHING ELSE - Funny, Humor, Slogans, Weird Stuff & Misc. Random Goodness!","Don't Panic",1.25,1.25,"<P> Back: <P><a href="" button back.png""><IMG Height=300 Width=300 SRC="" button back.png""></a><P><BR><BR>UPC: 190153022254 <BR>",""
1-ENP-3844,$3.98,"1.25"" x 0.88"" Enamel Pin","205",,,"PLANETS","Yellow and Red Saturn (Planet)",1.25,0.88,,""
1-LRB-33713,$1.25,"1.5"" x 1.5"" 1-1/2"" Button","181","205",,"STAR WARS:","Join the Dark Side - Black on Red",1.5,1.5,"<P><a href="" button back.png""><IMG Height=300 Width=300 SRC="" button back.png""></a><P>",""
1-ENP-3861,$4.98,"0.75"" x 1.75"" Enamel Pin","181","205",,"STAR WARS:","Stromtrooper",0.75,1.75,"<br><br>Comes on a retail ready display card that measures 2-3/4"" x 1-3/4""

<br><br>UPC: 811411038496",""
1-ENP-3862,$4.98,"1.38"" x 1.25"" Enamel Pin","181","205",,"STAR WARS:","X-Wing Badge",1.38,1.25,"<br><br>Comes on a retail ready display card that measures 2-3/4"" x 1-3/4""

<br><br>UPC: 811411038519",""

Copyright 2025 Square Deal Recordings & Supplies, Inc.